Special Needs
ABA is the standard of care for children and adults with an autism diagnosis. It is also prescribed by doctors for those who have behavioral challenges.
Our focus is teaching skills to children and adults that create independence,
tolerance, functional communication, and self-management. CEGA serves all ages and has been a support for families in South Florida since 2010.

"I can't get Adam to stop playing video games!"
"Charlie won't go to sleep at night!"
"Sarah sleeps in our bed! How do we get her out? Help!"
Does this sound like your kid?
We are here to help and promise we aren't here to judge. We have heard it all!

Goal Setting & Accountability Coaching
Still working on that New Year's resolution? You planned to stop smoking, exercise more, drink less soda, think positively, and stop procrastinating.
Sound familiar? We are here for you! Don't wait any longer and get your goals accomplished. You deserve it!

Trainings for Families & Professionals
CEGA trainers are certified behavior analysts and therapists. Our presentations are always fun and interactive!
We provide training opportunities for parents, caregivers, behavior technician certification candidates, and agency staff. All of our trainings are taught live via web-based platforms or in-person!

Academic Coaching
Is your child struggling in school? Unable to focus, concentrate, or complete tasks? Are they doing poorly in a subject?
Our team of board certified professionals offer evidence-based solutions to help your child overcome their academic hurdles and accomplish their goals.
“Change is the heartbeat
of growth."
Scottie Somers